Contacts – Editing a contact

Q: After importing a contact(s), is it easy to update one or more contacts in the future?


This is very easy to do, and you have two options.

The first is editing a single user.

To do this, click on the ‘Contacts’ main menu option.  Then, you can search for any contact (regardless of the list they are in).  When you locate the contact, click on their e-mail or name.

Now, you are on their card.  At the top left (A) you’ll see their e-mail, name, and phone.  On the right under ‘recent activities’ (B) you can see any e-mails or notes that have been entered, along with any actions they’ve taken.

Back on the left side, you can use the scroll bar to see additional information (i.e. custom columns and info submitted via form or online cart).  You can also view any tags assigned to this contact, what list(s) they are in, and what automation(s) they are in.

Then, at the very bottom, you can add a note or send an e-mail.

Edit single user

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